Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Our First Harvest!

What a fun, exciting day yesterday was for us here on our farm...we plucked our first cucumber off its vine!!  The cucumbers are one of Nate's boxes to take care of.  He has been faithfully watering and weeding them.  Actually everything is blooming and growing...in the next few weeks we should have tomaotes, squash, beans, lettuce and more cucumbers!!

We had a fun weekend with daddy picking peaches at a local orchard...came home and made jam, fruit leathers, pies, and froze a bunch for smoothies!

And we spoiled daddy on father's day with 4 pies!!  Cherry, apple, peach and peanut butter!


  1. You are definitely the FUN family! I so much enjoy your blog :)

    1. Thank you Cheryl!! We do have fun together...children are a blessing! So glad you are enjoying reading about our adventures :)
