Saturday, August 10, 2013

Fridays on the Farm

Yes, it's Saturday, I know...I'm a day behind!  
We decided to let our goats into the garden area because it is so overrun with weeds.  They are thrilled to be in there!!  Here they're munching on our okra...good thing Graycie and I went in and picked all the okra off the plants before we let them in!

Our cinnomon queen laying hens are growing in their colored feathers!!  Aren't they pretty?  They are 7 weeks old now.
The broilers are growing like weeds as well.  Hard to believe we will be butchering these little guys in 5 weeks!!  If you want to preorder, check out our Facebook page HERE
Our bee colony on the Left in this picture is very you can see we have added another honey super!  The second box down is FULL of honey, but that is for them to get through the winter.  Now, anything made in the box on top we can take if we want :)  We will give it time to allow the bees to fill it up and probably wait until the Spring to take any, just incase they need it.
We are still working on fencing in our property.  It is a lot of work, and slow going with all the rain we've been getting.  But, we're making progress and that's what counts!
We are still enjoying the fruits of our labor from the just have to hunt for the food amongst all the weeds!!  We are now planning our Fall garden and getting ready to start those seeds :)

 Made some sourkraut with all our cabbage.
Drying seeds from our tigger melons.  It's an easy process once you read how to do it.  We took a super ripe melon that had great taste and put all the seeds in a glass jar with water.  Let it sit for a few days.  Then shake it up, drain the water, add new water.  Shake it up again, drain the water, add new water.  The seeds that float are bad...discard them.  The seeds that sink are good...put them on cardboard to dry for 12-15 days.  That's it!!  Now we have our tigger melon seeds for next year, and as you can see we have plenty!  So if you live nearby, please, ask for some!
We have been busy making more products for our farmhouse market.  More salves and a hard lotion scented with orange essential oil!  And a new soap!  Goat milk, olive oil and coconut oil, scented with lemongrass essential smells and looks so pretty everyone thinks its fudge!!  Interested?  Order HERE
Have a restful Sunday!

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