Monday, October 29, 2012

Raising Godly Children: 31 Biblical Virtues to Pray for Your Children

Raising Godly Children: 31 Biblical Virtues to Pray for Your Children (Printable)

Praying for our children is a must, but sometimes overlooked, forgotten, put aside, saved for a quiet moment that never happens (at least by me).  I assume on God's grace a lot, trusting He already knows my kid's needs and He already has a plan for their lives.  But as mom's we MUST intercede on their behalf.  No one knows them better than us, so who better to pray for them than us?!  I stumbled upon this great blog a few weeks ago and can't seem to get enough of the wonderful exhortations found on it.  I have printed this prayer sheet up and put it right where I sit everyday for school and meals.  I have started with one of the prayers per day since there are 31 and almost all the months have 31 days.  It's been very helpful to me and I hope it encourages you :)

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